Alternative Sciences Association - Asociatia pentru Stiinte Alternative

Carmen Costea's Alternative Sciences Association

In conformitate cu prevederile art. 57 alin. (4) din Codul fiscal (Legea 571 din 2003 cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare), prin intermediul prevederii 2%, contribuabilii persoane fizice au posibilitatea sa directioneze 2% din impozitul pe venit catre o organizatie neguvernamentala (asociatie sau fundatie).
Ce este prevederea 2%?
Practic Dumneavoastra spuneti statului modul in care sa fie cheltuita o parte din impozitul pe care il platiti.
Ce nu este prevederea 2%?
Nu reprezinta un cost suplimentar pentru Dumneavoastra. Nu vi se diminueaza veniturile.
Cum se procedeaza?
  • Pasul 1. Pentru veniturile realizate din salarii: Completati Formularul 230 – "Cerere privind destinatia sumei reprezentand pana la 2% din impozitul anual" de la Administratia fiscala dupa cum urmeaza: · in sectiunea A – datele Dumneavoastra de identificare - in sectiunea B – datele de identificare fiscala ale Alternative Sciences Association- Asociatia pentru Stiinte Alternative Cod fiscal: 22257081 Cont IBAN: RO32BTRL04501205E99220xx
  • Pasul 2.Depuneti personal sau trimiteti prin scrisoare recomandata Formularul 230 Administratiei fiscale.
  • IMPORTANT! Termenul limita este 15 mai 2008 ! Va multumim pentru contributia dumneavoastra financiara in buna desfasurare a tuturor actiunilor intreprinse de Asociatia noastra.

Importante Informatii Financiare

Diploma de Excelenta "Campion Roman in Afaceri"


Adresa: Alternative Sciences Association- Asociatia pentru Stiinte Alternative
str.Mihai Eminescu nr 13-15, etaj 4 sala 1402, code 010511
Mobil: (+40) 742 945891
Fax: (+40) 031 808-3555
Detalii fiscale:  CIF 22257081
Detalii bancare: Banca Transilvania Ag Stirbei Voda no. 97-99 Bloc 25CD sector 1, Bucuresti , 010122
Conturi: IBAN lei RO32BTRL04501205E99220xx, IBAN Euro RO07BTRL04504205E99220xx

Misiune si Scop

Misiunea Asociatiei pentru Stiinte Alternative consta in regandirea conceptului de valoare si crearea unei noi filosofii in educatie si stiinta; dezvoltarea capacitatii de instruire prin antrenare intr-un proces de invatare permanent, in care  valoarea adaugata individului si comunitatii reprezinta baza dezvoltarii.
Scopul  Asociatiei pentru Stiinte Alternative consta in convingerea intregii comunitati asupra necesitatii infiintarii Muzeului National al Educatiei si Stiintei. Editarea Alternative Sciences Journal va contribui, de asemenea, la crearea unei imagini de excelenta a cercetarii si educatiei si promovarea aspectelor inter si cros-disciplinare, ca o alternativa viabila a stiintei aplicate la viata reala.


  1. The Society will, in the European context, aim to promote advanced and excellence research (pure and applied), provide consultancy activity, assist and advise on problems of Work and Life-plexity, Econo-physics, Legal Physics, Socio-physics, Emotional Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Competitive and Intelligent Business, Geopolitics and Economics, Economics, Regional and Spatial Economy, Synergetics, Econophysics, Social and legal Physics. Socio-Ecology, Digital History, Geopolitics, Homeo-Dynamics, Socio-Dynamics, Competitive Intelligence, Emotional Business Intelligence, Complexity Sciences, Complication and General Non-linear Dynamics in Nature and Society;
  2. Implement and develop projects and programs to contribute at a better education, application of high excellence research at the individual and societal levels, development of a sustainable partnership between universities, research bodies, corporate and local administration, creation of a new and mutual relation for individuals and community, transformation of research and education into the elite of the society according to Bologna Convention, promotion of women and young people as international scientists;
  3. Provide post-graduation courses of specialization, training trainees and coaches  to develop similar activity; ;
  4. Develop the idea to convince young people studying abroad to come back and contribute to the Romanian society development;
  5. Achieve the academic education by courses and stages of practice in enterprises and  abroad, by an alternative education based on coaching and training inside the society;
  6. Development of individual aptitudes and managerial qualities, by application in the field of alternative sciences and cross-disciplines providing more knowledge in management of risk, corporate governance, content management system, edition of international articles and reviews.  
  7. Development of a research network based on bi- and multi-lateral agreements to identify other ways to cover professional competences – aptitudes in the field of specific sciences and generic personal and managerial  aptitudes; provide the necessary support for the doctoral schools in implementing the advanced study programs  for the developing personal and generic managerial aptitudes;
  8. Get connected to the European Society of Complexity - Paris;
  9. Get research and funds from the European Programs and use those funds according their topics and procedures;
  10. Identify and get connected all the parties interested in setting up the National Museum of Education and Science of Romania;
  11. Edit the Alternative Sciences Journal;
  12. Develop agreements with other bodies and universities of the world with similar preoccupations and interests.
The Alternative Sciences Association will act according to the following principles emerging from empirical regularities of Socio-ecological, Socio-economic and Behavioral sciences formulated as below:
  1. Principle of collectivity (All human beings belong to multiplicity of collectives, whose values, knowledge and mode of behavior defined the individual choice socio-economic behavior within the collectives);
  2. Principle of complication (the transfer from complex states of systems to much more complex). Complication means rejecting the simplest states of socio-economic and socio-ecological systems, because the state of system presents the end of very long evolutionary chain and simplification is only clean place for the next complications.
  3. Principle of superposition. This principle rejects the economic rationality of maximization of unique universal economic utility function, replacing it by socio-ecological rationality of simultaneous existence of many utility functions realized in risk avergion and parsimonious behavior.
  4. Principle of duality, referring to the transfer from the deepness of one approach to the deepness of other approach, presenting the multiple interpretation of behavior of state of complex system from the viewpoint of different objectives.
  5. Principle of innovation diffusion and self-organization, presenting the difference between invention and innovation spread and appearance of new patterns of developments of inner hierarchy of structures of states of system.
At present, we see the further developments of models of collective and individual choice with the help of three models formulated as choice behavior of "Homo Politicus", "Homo Economicus" and "Homo Socialis". These models presented the components of emotional intelligence and passionarity leading to the new development of ethno genesis and theories of  modern terrorism and clash of civilizations.
On similar education, concern itself with the broader relations of complex systems to society, foster the interaction between complex systems scientists of different countries, establish a sense of identity amongst European alternative sciences researchers, educators and business owners, and represent the European alternative sciences and complexity community at national and international level, promote females and young researchers as international scientists, create a museum of education and research in Romania, editing the  Alternative Sciences Journal.
A.S.A. will identify itself by the sign of a brilliant and 10 stars around it, by the join colors of yellow/orange and blue/green and by the logo “Learn and act BIG”.Return to top of page


  1. The Alternative Sciences Association, informally A.S.A. or Society, is an association established in accordance with the laws in Romania.
  2. Its seat is in Bucharest and the address is 13-15 Mihai Eminence stir. Floor 4 Room 1402 Zip-code 010511, Phone:  +40742945891 Fax: +4021 313 7357; Website:
  3. Fiscal details:  CIF 22257081
    1. Banking details: Banca Transilvania Ag Stirbei Voda no. 97-99 Bloc 25CD sector 1, Bucharest
    2. Accounts: IBAN lei RO32BTRL04501205E99220xx, IBAN Euro RO07BTRL04504205E99220xx
  1. To achieve its aims the Society may prepare proposals and motions, make statements, organize courses and seminars, workshops and seasonal academies as summer/winter schools, conferences, develop a network of business clubs Future managers among students, arrange negotiations and meetings, operate as a publisher, award grants and represent its membership, and more generally take all pertinent initiatives of a legal nature to promote the science of complex systems and its applications.
  2. The society may, as occasion arises,
  1. act directly,
  2. cooperate with other bodies having similar aims,
  3. set up committees to conduct its work
  4. set up subordinate bodies for special tasks.
    1. Members are individuals applying for to joining the Society and accepted. The procedures of acceptance are in the By-laws.
    2. The Council may enter into reciprocity agreements with other organizations to provide joint benefits to their members.
    3. The expulsion of a member shall be by a decision of the Council. The By-laws is retaining the procedure of expulsion of members.
    4. Members pay registration and membership dues as determined by the Council. The dues may be different for different categories of members, according to the by-laws.
    5. Members falling behind in payment of fees shall forfeit their right to vote and to stand for election to the Council until such fees are paid. Members who do not pay their fees may have their membership withdrawn according to the By-laws.
    6. When authorized by the Statutes, members take decisions by mail or web-based ballot. The By-laws is retaining the procedure.
    1. The organ of the Society with decision-making powers is the Council. The number of members of the Council shall be determined by the By-laws.
    2. The executive organ is the Executive Committee of the Society. The number of members of the Executive Committee shall be determined by the By-laws.
    3. The President will be chair of the Council and of the Executive Committee. If the President is unable to chair a meeting of the Council or the Executive Committee, either Vice-President may chair it.
    1. Council elections are held every year according to the Statutes and By-laws.
    2. Council members shall be elected for a period of three years. A council member may be re-elected according to the By-laws.
    3. The Council shall meet at least once every year.
    4. The quorum of the Council shall be 50%, subject to the By-laws.
    5. Each council member shall have one vote. Decisions will be by simple majority of votes cast, except where larger majorities are required by the Statutes or By-laws.
    6. An extraordinary meeting of the Council may be convened, by request of the Executive Committee or whoever, in writing by not less than 10% of the council members.
    7. The Executive Committee shall convene the Council by a letter to each Council member by two months before the meeting date. The letter will contain a provisional agenda. Council members may add items to the agenda within the next month.10percentage of members of the Council may add agenda items at any time up to the meeting.
    1. The Council is the supreme authority of the organization.
    2. A Council meeting will specifically:
      1. Decide on any changes to the By-laws;
      2. Determine the registration and membership dues;
      3. Receive the auditors' reports;
      4. Confirm the financial statements and, according to a satisfactory auditor’s report, transfer liability from those concerned to the Society;
      5. Elect the President, the Vice-Presidents and the other members of the Executive Committee;
      6. Elect the auditors and their deputies;
      7. Deal with any other matters prepared by the Executive Committee.
    1. The Executive Committee of the Society shall consist of:
      1. The President of the Society,
      2. Two Vice-presidents,
      3. A Secretary,
      4. A Treasurer,
      5. Several other Committee members, determined by the By-laws.
    2. Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the Council members for a period of 3 years. Committee members may be re-elected if consecutive service shall not exceed 6 years. The President shall not serve as President for more than one period.
    3. The Executive Committee is convened by the President or, in his absence, by a Vice-president.
    4. A meeting of the Executive Committee must include the President or a Vice-President.
    1. The Executive Committee represents the Society and shall have general charge of all matters concerning the Society. In particular, it shall:
      1. Administer the assets and property of the Society;
      2. Appoint subordinate committees entrusted with special tasks within the general framework of the Society;
      3. Prepare the matters to be discussed by the Council meeting and convene the meeting;
      4. Implement the resolutions adopted by the Council meeting.
      5. Appoint members of the Society to represent the Society
      6. The Executive Committee shall manage the budget of the Society.
      7. The Treasurer shall prepare the annual accounts of the Society for the approval of the auditors and the Council.
    2. The Executive Committee shall appoint and dismiss the staff of the Society, define their duties and confirm their remuneration.
    1. The resources of the Society shall consist of:
      1. The registration and membership dues paid by the members;
      2. Possible gifts, bequests and legacies;
      3. Subsidies or grants, which may be awarded to it by public or private bodies;
      4. Any other resources, which may derive from its own activities.
    2. The fiscal year shall begin on 1 July each year. The accounts shall be submitted to the auditors by the end of August. The auditors' report shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by the end of September.
    3. The Council shall appoint, for each financial year, one of its own members and an independent certified public accountant to audit the accounts of the Society. The auditors will present a report to the Council and this report will be published by the Society to its members. The auditors may at all times require that the books and all relevant documents be presented to them, and they may examine the cash and financial situation.
    4. The auditors may be re-appointed.Return to top of page

Alternative Sciences Association Members and Organization


  • Carmen Costea
    • President
  • Anca Gheorghiu
    • Executive President 
  • Larisa Mihoreanu
    • Vice-president 
  • Anda Gheorghiu
    • Vice-president  
  • Gabriela Stanciulescu
    • Vice-president 
  • Elena-Simona Plesea
    • Chancellor
  • Laura-Mariana Vladuca
    • Consultant
  • Ioana Tais
    • Auditor
  • Alice- Silvia State
    • General editor of Alternative Sciences JournalReturn to top of page


  • Tiziana di Matteo (Australia)
    • Gender Committee Chair   
  • Tomaso Aste (Australia)
    • Projects Development Management Committee Chair 
  • Nicolas Combat (France)
    • International Relations Committee Chair
  • Teddy Lebrun (France)
    • Business Development Committee Chair 
  • Adrian State (Romania)
    • Treasurer
  • Doru Plesea (Romania)
    • General secretary and IT Developer
  • Lucian Albu
  • Elena Pelinescu

Membrii persoane fizice:

  1. Lucian Albu prof.dr. IPE Romanian Academy
  2. Liana Badea assist prof. Faculty of Economics ASE Bucharest
  3. Iulian Cartana prof.dr.  vice-rector Hyperion University Bucharest
  4. Nicolas Combat general director CEFORA Corporation Bucharest
  5. Carmen  Costea prof.dr. Faculty of Commerce ASE Bucharest
  6.  Augustin Dragan general manager SISTEC SBSOL Bucharest
  7. Anca Gheorghiu prof.dr. vice-rector  Hyperion University
  8. Anda Gheorghiu lect dr. Hyperion University, expert Ombudsman Bucharest
  9. Steve Keen  prof. dr. University of Western Sydney Australia
  10. Teddy Lebrun  ec dipl. Economic director CEFORA Corporate
  11. Noemi L.  Oliviera  prof lwr. Facultad de Ciancias Juridica y Sociales UNLP DYSES Association Secretary
  12. Tiziana di Matteo senior research fellow dr. ANU Canberra Australia
  13. Larisa Mihoreanu  postdoc student Kings College London
  14. Stefan Paun prof.dr.  Hyperion University Bucharest
  15. Elena Pelinescu senior res.dr.IPE Romanian Academy 
  16. Luminita Pistol prof. dr. Spiru Haret University Bucharest
  17. Doru Plesea prof.dr. Faculty of Commerce ASE Bucharest
  18. Elena-Simona Plesea solicitor ASE Bucharest
  19. Constantin Popescu  prof.dr. dean of Faculty of Economics ASE Bucharest
  20. Araceli N. Proto prof dr, principal researcher University of Buenos Aires Argentina president of Dyses, director of Complex Systems Laboratory
  21. Anima Puentes Santiaga prof.dr. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Economía, Mexico
  22. Miltiade Stanciu assist prof  SNSPA Bucharest
  23. Gabriela Stanciulescu   prof.dr. Faculty of Commerce ASE Bucharest 
  24. Adrian State eng. PetroStar Ploiesti
  25. Alice- Silvia State s-eng. Search Ltd Co Bucharest
  26. Ioana Tais expert auditor and accountant at Hyperion University Bucharest
  27. Alexandru Tasnadi  prof.dr. dean of Faculty of Economics ASE Bucharest
  28. Madalina Tedorescu HR Manager Sistec SBSOL Bucharest
  29. Gustavo Vargas prof.dr. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
  30. Laura-Mariana Vladuca lawyer Court of Justice Bucharest
  31. Oana Marinescu Prime Minister Office – former PM Speaker
  32. Dr. Georgeta Barbulescu – professor at Dimitrie Cantemir Univ. Bucharest
  33. Dr. Mioara Iordan, Deputy Director, IPE, Romanian Academy of Sciences
  34. Dr. Victoria Firescu, A/Prof.,University of Pitesti
  35. A/Prof.dr Alexandra Banu Head of Environmental Engineering and Corrosion Laboratory University POLITEHNICA Bucharest
  36. Maria Alexandra Ivan - Universitatea Danubius Galati
  37. Diana Tampu dr. ASE Bucuresti
  38. Gabriela Ungureanu lect. dr. Universitatea Spiru Haret Bucuresti
  39. Elena Gurgu lect. dr. Universitatea Spiru Haret Bucuresti
  40. Adrian Vasile drd. ASE Bucuresti
  41. Aurelian A. Bondrea Conf.univ.dr. Universitatea Spiru Haret
  42. Tania Viciu Vasile - Ernst & Young Romania, drd. ASE Bucuresti
  43. Corina Cravcenco drd. ASE Bucuresti
  44. Liliana Dinca contabil sef Universitatea Hyperion Bucuresti (expert contabil autorizat)
  45. Codruta Cintea drd. ASE Bucuresti
  46. Ion Codrin Chiru drd. Administrarea Afacerilor ASE Bucuresti
  47. Andrei Angheluta - DHL
  48. Emil Irimescu - Hyperion Trans SRL
  49. Antoniu Ovidiu Balint - Universitatea Hyperion Bucuresti
  50. Laura Goran Conf.univ.dr. Universitatea Spiru Haret
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Membrii persoane juridice:

  1. Hyperion University Bucharest, Romania
  2. SISTEC SBSOL Bucharest, Romania
  3. European Center of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Economía (UNAM) Mexico City, Mexico
  4. Spiru Haret University Bucharest, Romania
  5. CEFORA CORPORATE, Bucharest, Romania
  7. Institute of Economic Forecasting Romanian Academy